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Sun, E; Zhai, S; Kim, D; Gigantino, M; Haribal, V; Dewey, O; Williams, S; Wan, G; Nelson, A; Marin-Quiros, S; Martis, J; Zhou, C; Oh, J; Randall, R; Kessler, M; Kong, D; Rojas, J; Tong, A; Xu, X; Huff, C; Pasquali, M; Gupta, R; Cargnello, M; Majumdar, A

127. A semi-continuous process for co-production of CO2-free hydrogen and carbon nanotubes via methane pyrolysis Journal Article

Cell Rep. Phys. Sci., 4 , pp. 101338, 2023.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: alumina, carbon nanotubes, iron, methane, pyrolysis

127. A semi-continuous process for co-production of CO2-free hydrogen and carbon nanotubes via methane pyrolysis


Nathan, SS; Asundi, AS; Hoffman, AS; Hong, J; Zhou, C; Vila, FD; Cargnello, M; Bare, SR; Bent, SF

119. Surface Fe Clusters Promote Syngas Reaction to Oxygenates on Rh Catalysts Modified by Atomic Layer Deposition Journal Article

J. Catal., 414 , pp. 125-136, 2022.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: ALD, iron, rhodium, syngas conversion

119. Surface Fe Clusters Promote Syngas Reaction to Oxygenates on Rh Catalysts Modified by Atomic Layer Deposition