Posts published in August, 2023

Steven is a JEDI champion!

by on August 22, 2023 3:31 am
Steven is awarded the Postdoc JEDI Award from Stanford! This Award is a recognition of current Stanford University postdoctoral scholars who have championed initiatives, activities, or efforts that advance justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion at Stanford and beyond. We are so proud of him! Read more at

New publication from the group on plastics upcycling!

by on August 3, 2023 11:30 pm
Makenna’s hard work in converting plastics into alkylaromatics that can be used as sustainable lubricants has just been accepted for publication in ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. journal! She worked hard to show that silica-alumina can be used rather than Pt to upcycle plastics. Great collaboration with colleagues at SLAC!